Ethereum: How can I retrieve Ethereum Message hash

Recovering an Ethereum Transaction Hash Without a Private Key

As a developer working with Ethereum, you may need to recover the hash of a mined or broadcasted transaction without having access to the private key. One approach is to use the RSV (Random Supply Value) values ​​associated with the transaction.

In this article, we will explore how to get the message hash of an Ethereum transaction using RSV values ​​and then discuss alternative methods.

Understanding an Ethereum Transaction Hash

Ethereum: How can I retrieve Ethereum Message hash

The hash of an Ethereum transaction is a unique 64-character string that serves as a fingerprint. To recover the transaction hash without the private key, you need to know at least one of the following:

  • Transaction ID – You can get this by searching for the transaction in the Ethereum blockchain explorer.
  • Transaction Hash (without private key) – This is a 64-character string that represents the transaction itself. To retrieve it, we will use RSV values.

Retrieving Transaction Hash Using RSV Values

The Ethereum blockchain uses a combination of RSV values ​​and a hash to represent the content of each block. A standard block has:

  • R (Random Supply Value): A random value between 0 and 1, used for the next supply.
  • S (Supply Value): The current supply value.
  • V (Value): A decimal value representing the transaction amount.

To retrieve the transaction hash without using the private key, we will use RSV values. Here is a step-by-step process:

  • Get the block content:
  • Use an Ethereum client such as Ethers.js or to read the block data.
  • Extract the transaction ID and RSV values:
  • Identify the transaction ID from the blockchain explorer or by searching for the transaction on the network.
  • Get the RSV values ​​(R, S, V) for the specified transaction.
  • Calculate the transaction hash without a private key:
  • Use a hashing algorithm such as SHA-256 to combine the RSV values ​​and transaction data.

Here is some sample JavaScript code using Web3.js:

const web3 = require('web3');

const ethers = require('ethers');

// Configure your Ethereum provider (e.g. Infura, Alchemy)

const provider = new web3.providers.HttpProvider('

async function getTransactionHash(transactionId) {

const block = await provider.getBlock(transactionId);

const transactionData = block.hash;

// Get RSV values ​​for the specified transaction

const rsvValues ​​​​= block.transactions[0].Rsv;

const s = block.transactions[0].S;

const v = block.transactions[0].V;

// Calculate transaction hash without private key

const txHash = ethers.utils.soliditySafeAddress(

web3.utils.toHex(rsvValues) +

web3.utils.toHex(s) +



return txHash;


// Get transaction hash for a specific transaction ID

getTransactionHash('transactionId').then((txHash) => {



Alternative Methods

While using RSV values ​​is one approach, there are other methods to recover the transaction hash without a private key:

  • Check the blockchain explorer: Search for the transaction in an Ethereum blockchain explorer such as Etherscan or Blockscat to obtain the transaction ID and RSV values.
  • Use a library: Use libraries such as ethers.js (as shown above) that provide APIs to interact with the Ethereum network without needing a private key.

Note that these alternative methods may have varying levels of security, accuracy, or availability compared to using the private key.

By understanding how to recover Ethereum transaction hashes without a private key, you can now move forward in your development projects working with Ethereum.






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